Dirtdogs/Team Mizuno Fall Showcase

Meet Nebraska 2018 commit Analiese Raley

Meet Nebraska 2018 commit Analiese Raley

Analiese Raley from Clovis, Calif. is one of the top catchers in the 2018 class and will be on the field this weekend as her Dirt Dogs-Harger 18U team will

Sep 14, 2015 by Brentt Eads
Meet Nebraska 2018 commit Analiese Raley
Analiese Raley from Clovis, Calif. is one of the top catchers in the 2018 class and will be on the field this weekend as her Dirt Dogs-Harger 18U team will be participating in the Dirtdogs/Team Mizuno Fall Showcase.

You can watch the all the action from the Dirtdogs/Team Mizuno Fall Showcase LIVE on FloSoftball September 19-20! 

Analiese, or “Anni” as she goes by, just started her sophomore year at Buchanon High after she had a strong summer with the Dogs hitting .400 with a  .500-plus on-base percentage.

A power-hitter with all the tools—including a 71 mph throwing speed—she was told by one coach, “You have all the ingredients to bake a perfect cake!”

Nebraska coaches first saw her at the Zoom into June tournament in the summer of 2014 and followed her through PGF Nationals.  In January of this year, she made an unofficial visit to the Big Ten school and on April 1 committed to the Huskers.

Here’s more on the player you’ll be hearing a lot more about—and can see on FloSoftball’s live streaming—this weekend!


FloSoftball.com: You started playing baseball at age five… what do you remember about playing that young?
Analiese Raley:
  Baseball was a sport that came naturally to me. I was the only girl out there playing with a bunch of boys, but I felt equal to them. It was t-ball and a long time ago but it wasn’t too complicated then.

FS.com: Was it hard to transition into softball?
No, not necessarily.  I did play rec softball since the third grade and started travel ball in the fifth grade and have been playing since.  I never had a problem with the transition because it wasn’t as complicated then.  The main difference between baseball and softball is you have less time to react—it’s a quick, short game.

FS.com: Have you always been a catcher and what do you like about being behind the plate?
I have, actually.  It’s different than all the other positions, you have a view of all the field, you’re a leader talking to everyone, you get to call every pitch and are involved in every play. It all starts with the catcher giving signs.  I’ve played outfield, that’s my secondary position, and at catcher you feel more involved and you’re more into the game.  It’s fun, too, to have a good bond with a pitcher and makes the game that more enjoyable.

FS.com: What would you say are the skills and abilities that got you the offer from Nebraska?
I would definitely say my arm; I throw better than average.  The average D1 player throws 61 mph and I was throwing 71 mph in the 8th grade.  I was told my leadership abilities are good and coaches like how I’m always talking and being vocal. Those are the two main things that got me the offer.  I also take pride in being well-rounded and having good mechanics.

How did the Huskers find you and how did the recruiting process go up until you’re commitment?
It was the summer when I was going into my freshman year. They first saw me at Zoom into June and then at PGF and I remember at PGF there were scouts everywhere.  It was that time for recruiting for the 2018 class and I remember seeing Nebraska at a lot of my games.  My coach said they were interested and said I needed to make a phone call to them.  After I got home I called—I was nervous at first—but they turned out to be amazing coaches and I talked them over the course of my freshman year.  It was a really slow process, there were phone calls every week or two because they wanted to get to know me.  It was great to finally get to go to the campus and meet the coaches and find out how awesome they are.  I feel now I have a really good personal connection with them.  

FS.com: What do you remember most about committing?
I remember my coach told me, “They really want you and will offer you soon.”  He first told my mom they were going to offer and she started crying; it was a big deal for us.  The offer came in the middle of high school ball last spring and we had a tournament at my school and my coach came up and told me they officially offered. It was a great feeling! For the official commit call on April 1, we were all in the kitchen, my mom and dad and me. I got really emotional as making it official made everything worth it.  A lot of sacrifice has gone into getting to play for Nebraska and it was a really special day when I verballed to them.

FS.com: What was it about the university that you liked so much?
I visited in January of this year and was curious to see what the state looked like compared to California. I remember thinking about how the city of Lincoln has such a college atmosphere and driving from the airport we saw the enormous stadium and a huge lit “N.” I love that it’s a big football school, it’s just one of the things that make it a special place.  Then seeing the facilities—it’s insane how great they are and how the community comes together to support all of the sports.  On my visit they talked a lot about academics, how they lead in Academic All-Americans, and it was really neat to see how good the academics are. The softball field is beautiful and the indoor hitting facility cost like $4.75 million; of course, you need it in the winter and when it’s cold. Another great thing is the weight room, it’s one of the nicest in the nation.  There’s even a beach volleyball court in the gym! Everything was so nice, I got to watch a practice and I loved how the coaches worked with the players. It was probably the best day of my life! I’m excited to go back to Lincoln in December for a camp.

FS.com: We hear you’re a workout warrior… describe what you do to keep in shape….
There’s a gym down the street called “The Body Shop” and I really get into working out. I had always been doing push-ups and sit-ups, but at the beginning of my eighth grade I started getting seriously into lifting.  At my high school we have Sports P.E. and the trainer said I should come in to The Body Shop and that’s what got me started. I do weightlifting, speed and agility and all these crazy workouts to work specifically on sports and positions, catching in my case. My freshman year I started running a lot, too; it’s a good stress reliever for me.  This last summer I thought that because I run so much I should do cross-country so I’m now into that.  I love running, it’s something to do to get stuff off my mind, and I run about six or seven miles a day now.

FS.com: What’s your best mile in XC?
I just beat my best mile time this weekend at a race, it was 6:30.  I shaved 20 seconds off my previous time.

FS.com: What do you love most about softball?
There’s a lot of stuff I love about softball!  I just love being out there with my team.  When you get to the travel ball level, you spend a lot of time with your team, you’re traveling all the time, getting up early for morning games together and the players become a second family. I just love the game and my team.  As a player it’s just a great feeling getting solid contact on a hit, hitting the ball over the fence, throwing a girl out at second. It’s those moments I love the most.

FS.com: Away from the field, what’s the one thing you love to do to relax (and no, working out doesn’t count!)?
I used to play the piano, sometimes I occasionally do now.  My friend and I go on bike rides and we always go to the movies.  I’m a huge movie fan, I’m guessing I spent over $1,000 last year going to the movies.  

What’s the best movie you’re seen in the last year?
That’s a hard question because I’ve seen so many!  A really funny movie was Spy with Melissa McCarthy.  Another movie that’s older that I love is White Chicks. That and Mean Girls are classics, I watch them all the time with my friends.

FS.com: Describe yourself in one sentence….
I’m passionate, persistent, determined, and tenacious.